Le flux
![THE 3 POSTPARTUM PADS YOU’LL NEED](https://easyday.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/1-Postpartum-Pads_blogEasyDay-2.jpg)
Après 9 longs mois pendant lesquels votre enfant est passé de la taille d’une graine de chia à celle d’une grosse pastèque, il est grand temps de faire sa rencontre. L’excitation, la joie, la peur et l’anxiété sont présents créant un amalgame d’émotions et de sentiments. Maintenant que vous savez à quoi ressemble votre doux
![WHY DO YOU EXPERIENCE CONSTIPATION BEFORE YOUR PERIOD?](https://easyday.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/mal-de-ventre-femme-2.jpg)
Pourquoi êtes-vous victime de constipation avant vos règles?
No need to be squeamish, toilet habits across your monthly cycle change and it’s perfectly normal. Now, the question is, why do I experience constipation before my period? WHAT’S MY CYCLE LIKE? First things first, in order to determine when you start your premenstrual...
![Because today really really matters](https://easyday.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/easy-day-picture-for-blog-e1551884431876.png)
Because today really really matters
Hello Ladies! Let’s face it, no one chooses to have a period. We CAN however choose how to deal with this “monthly gift” by choosing comfortable and reliable feminine hygiene products. The only issue now is choosing a brand that reflects your lifestyle and needs. How...